Submission Guidelines

Submissions may be made by any person currently enrolled in an M.A. program or higher, or any persons holding an M.A. degree or higher. One need not be Pentecostal to submit to the journal. However, articles with content relevant to Pentecostalism are more likely to be published.

The crucial question that will largely determine whether an article is considered for the journal is this: How is this study relevant to Pentecostal Christianity in Africa? If this question cannot be easily answered, then the submission in question is probably not well-suited for PneumAfrica Journal.

As a blind peer-reviewed journal, PneumAfrica Journal typically publishes unsolicited articles. However, the editors reserve the right to invite submissions from scholars whose work and expertise in a particular field is well-known. Invited-author articles will not go through the peer-review process.

All unsolicited articles must be submitted through the PneumAfrica Journal website. Once received, the editor will remove the name of the author and any biographical information, and send the “blind” copy to a reviewer (referee). The reviewer will have 30 days to read the article and make one of the following recommendations:

  • Accept as is
  • Accept on the condition of minor revisions
  • Accept on the condition of major revisions
  • Reject

Reviewers are encouraged to provide specific feedback regarding their recommendations both to the PneumAfrica Journal editor and author. The author of a submission will be provided with a link to track the progress of their submission. When the reviewer has made a recommendation, that recommendation will then be sent to the managing editor who will evaluate the recommendation of the reviewer and make a find decision on whether to accept the article. The managing editor may choose to override the recommendation of the reviewer. When a final decision has been made, the author will be contacted and the comments of both the reviewer and managing editor will be made available to the author.


For precise submission requirements, download the Writer’s Guidelines.


For all journal article submissions, email Dr. Emmanuel Amoafo at