The Online Journal of African Pentecostal Christianity exists to advance the cause of Christ in Africa through theological reflection on Pentecostal thought and practice.
PneumAfrica Journal is a blind, peer-reviewed journal published annually. We publish articles in the disciplines of biblical studies, theology, missions, leadership, and education relating to African Pentecostalism. PneumAfrica Journal serves as the official journal of the Association for Pentecostal Theological Education in Africa (APTEA). Although one of the primary goals of PneumAfrica Journal is to provide a platform for emerging African scholars reflecting on Pentecostal doctrine and practice, we also invite others whose research sheds light on this rapidly expanding and ever-changing movement.

Managing Editor and Chair of the Commission for Scholarly Research and Writing
Dr. Emmanuel Amoafo ministers in Nairobi, Kenya, with the Kenya Assemblies of God and the Anglican Church of Kenya, as a pastor and educator. He has authored several books including Stand Up for the Gospel. He teaches at Pan-Africa Theological Seminary (PAThS), whose main campus is in Lomé, Togo, and at Global University. He earned his PhD in Theological Studies from PAThS.