NEWS Updates

APTEA Annual Board Meeting 2024

The members of the APTEA board and the chairs of the commissions will meet for two days in Lome, Togo, 12-13 February 2025. We will discuss issues related to accreditation, teacher certification, urgent issues being faced by Pentecostal Theological educators in Africa, and next year’s triennial conference (2026). Please pray for this important gathering.

Those present were Dr. Andrew Mkwaila, Dr. Emmanuel Amoafo, Dr. Cecile Bomboko, Dr. Jacques Compaore, Dr. Kirk Kauffeldt, Dr. Jeremy Feller, Rev. Ermisha Beyene, Rev. Randy Tarr, Rev. James Kesanta, Rev. John Tuu, Rev. Tawanda Munaki, Rev. Gloria Biffert, Rev. Ryan Jacobs, Rev. Janet Sherman, and Dr. Doug and Corrine Lowenberg.

New Chair for the Endorsement and Accreditation Commission

Dr. Kirk Kauffeldt announced that he is resigning as the chair of the Commission for Endorsement and Accreditation but plans to continue serving on the board as a denominational representative for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. In addition to his ministry with APTEA, Dr. Kauffeldt is the director of Global Education for the PAOC and serves on numerous boards.

Over the last few years, Dr. Kauffeldt has been working closely with and mentoring Rev. James Kesanta, Director of Education for the Tanzania Pentecostal Assemblies of God Denomination. At the APTEA board meeting in March 2024, Rev. Kesanta was appointed to serve as the chair for this commission. He brings years of experience as a pastor, educator, and administrator.

New Issue of PneumAfrica Journal (December 2024)

Dr. Emmanuel Amoafo, chair of the Commission of Scholarly Research and Writing, announced the latest issue of the PneumAfrica Journal has been completed. Please see the pulldown menu on the APTEA site to read and download the journal. If you would like to submit an article for future publication, please contact Dr. Amoafo <>.

Gather25 Overview