The Scholarly Research and Writing Commission is a service of APTEA to encourage biblical, theological, and missiological scholarship, research, writing, and the publication of Pentecostal scholarly works in the Pan-Africa region. APTEA is committed to helping sustain and enhance the growth of the biblical, Pentecostal movement in Africa and globally, and in the academy and the church, and devoted to the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
The Commission seeks to identify and encourage emerging Pentecostal scholars to write and publish in the Pan-Africa region. At regional scholarly writing symposia, scheduled in coordination with regional conferences, the APTEA triennial meeting, and online, virtual seminars, it facilitates the presentation of papers and articles on significant issues by individual members and member schools with the intention of providing training resources for APTEA member schools. The Commission works to detect and monitor theological trends in the Pentecostal movement in Africa and the African church at large, which can significantly accelerate or retard the fulfillment of the Great Commission, and conducts discussion groups, convened physically or electronically, to equip member institutions to respond biblically to these movements. The Commission supervises the publication of PneumAfrica, the online journal of APTEA, and assists in posting eBooks and significant written projects at the master’s and doctoral levels on the APTEA website.
For further information on doing scholarly research, academic writing, and producing articles and books to be used in the classroom setting, contact Dr. Emmanuel Amoafo: <keatkenya@gmail.com>.