APTEA Application for Membership

APTEA Application for Membership

This application is for all levels of membership

Email Address (institution)
Contact Person Email

Information about your institution

Membership Categories

Full Member School: A Pentecostal/Charismatic theological training institution in Africa or serving Africa that provides educational services, or promotes training, subscribes to the doctrinal statement of the Pentecostal World Fellowship, is committed to quality assurance, and has received endorsement or accreditation. The institution has the right to vote at association meetings. ($250.00 per year)

Associate Member School: A school as described above, participates in triennial meetings, and receives all correspondence and some technical support from APTEA, but has not yet pursued endorsement or accreditation,. They do not have a right to vote. ($200.00 per year)

Organizational Partner: An organization that is committed to the goals of APTEA and assisting with funding for APTEA’s activities. It does not vote. ($150.00 per year)

Individual Partner: An individual who is committed to the goals of APTEA and funding for APTEA’s activities. The individual does not vote. ($20.00 per year)

What category of membership are you seeking?

Do you agree to actively support the purposes of APTEA in promoting Pentecostal theological education and research on issues relevant to Pentecostal theological education by participation in APTEA conferences and financially supporting the Alliance as per budgetary policy?

I affirm with my signature below that the above statements are correct to the best of my knowledge.

Payment of Membership Fees

After your application has been submitted and reviewed, if approved by the board, you will be notified by the APTEA Administrator. You may submit your membership fees by wire, through online banking services in Africa, or through an appointed APTEA representative in your region. Your membership is not formalized until the payment is received.